
My love for masonry all started at the age of 11. I had just moved to Rockport, Massachusetts and my first memory is building a small granite retaining wall in our backyard: simply because it needed to be there. Fast track 35 years later, I was doing some work in my backyard and had to remove that wall I had built decades prior.  That is when is all made sense, a revelation of sorts. As I began taking down that wall, I became overwhelmed with emotions. This wall was my first memory of my home and the added fact that I had started my own masonry business, this connection had a profound impact on me.

As I began to process this flow of emotions, I came to a final conclusion - masonry was, and is, my true calling. During my time at Bridgewater State University, (B.S. Class of 1998), I had started laboring for a local masonry company during summer breaks. I worked in my field of study for a brief time before realizing I wasn’t happy and decided to go back into masonry. After 15 years of working for various masonry companies, I made the decision to start my own business, and Breaking Stones Masonry was born. 

Breaking Stones Masonry is a “niche” company. We offer clients creative, artistic, and balanced solutions for all masonry projects: no cookie cutter short cuts.  We pride ourselves in exceeding expectations and we firmly believe in respecting and trusting the process on all projects; doing so by not rushing, keeping a good open communication with clients, and most importantly, keeping and open mind. 

We also take enormous pride in our ability to take our clients visions and ideas and turning them into something creative and conducive to the most challenging of situations and environments.  Every job we do is unique in its own way and we look forward to creating something special.  

“We are karma driven” is our company motto, and it is something I firmly believe in.  I was fortunate enough to spend a decade of winters in Thailand training and competing in Muay Thai kickboxing, which has had a huge impact on how I live my daily life.  While being halfway around the world, alone on this journey, it was easy for me to dive right into the Thai culture. 

Based on Buddhist principles and philosophies on living a life driven by respect, the Thai culture will change and influence one into a more satisfying life with minimal stress.  Instead of questioning situations, but rather reasoning to “why”?  By reflecting the positivity of every situation is the key to achieving a happy and full life.  Here are just a few examples for myself….

HOBBIESsurfing, gardening, micro farming, Muay Thai, boxing, travel, taco Tuesday, doggies, cats, goats, chickens, enjoying quality time with my wife.


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